Our Approach
Over five decades of experience, and one million hearing aids delivered, has helped us to remain on the cutting edge with advanced innovations yet to be developed by any other company. From SpeechPro, the World’s first automated real ear fitting system, to VCOM the world's first voice recognition programming. You can rest assured that your order will receive special attention. We offer hearing protection products, such as the highly acclaimed Earasers, and hearing protection products for swimmers, hunters, industrial use, and dentists and probably a hundred professions in between. Our latest line up of in ear monitors can be found through Inearz.com a professional musicians website. You see, we are everything about hearing help.
While this certainly can’t tell the whole story, it will hopefully give you some insight into what Persona Medical has to offer. Of course, if you have any questions, please call us. We’ll be happy to provide you with more information, allowing you to experience our stellar customer service firsthand. By choosing Persona, you will benefit from the exceptional service, personal touch, convenience and support that we can offer you. And just maybe, you will be our 2nd Millionth customer!
Please visit www.personamedical.com to learn more about our company.
Our Story
Persona Medical is an FDA registered hearing aid manufacturer. Actually, we are the oldest custom hearing aid manufacturer in the United States (since 1967), and one of the largest high end independent hearing aid laboratories. Beverly Campbell was a secretary for the company (previously named Magnatone) but soon took on most of the managerial duties. Sensing a great future in the hearing industry, she made a deal and took over the business in 1971 with three employees. Since those innocent beginnings we have employed over a thousand amazing helpers, withstood a disastrous fire and moved into four buildings and launched several sister companies and numerous patents and industries firsts. Beverly brought her two children up in the business as teenagers before sending them to college. After college, her daughter Cindy worked at the company for years and is now a successful senior manager in a prestigious assisted living corporation. Beverly eventually retired after forty years in the business. Her son Don, earned a degree in Engineering from Virginia Tech, and now runs the company.
Family Business - Two Generations
We care. Let us help. It's what we do best. For over fifty years we have gone the extra mile. Hearing devices require a little getting used to and having a great team to guide you in the beginning is really important. Based in the USA since 1967, there is no company with more experience doing what we do! We guarantee you a great experience with RxEars.
Beverly J. Campbell

Don E.K. Campbell
President; 2006-Present
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Sciences
Industrial Engineer / Virginia Tech