If you were exposed to loud sounds, you would seek hearing protection. At the other end of the sound spectrum, are difficult to hear sounds.
Sounds are hard to hear for a variety of reasons usually related to one of two conditions: Either the sound is softer than you want to hear it normally, or there is competing noise which makes the signal hard to understand.
RxEars can help improve even a normal hearing condition in difficult situations.

Hear the professor from the back of the room.

Hear the TV at lower volumes or even while your spouse is sleeping.

Hear more in public where too much ambient noise is present.

No need to get there early just to get a close seat, hear from the back row.

Enjoy movies again, hear every word of the next big blockbuster.

Curious how private investigators work? Hear conversations from across the room!

Whether it is in the comfort of your own home or at a concert - hear music the way you should.